


Delhi Road, HIsar

Department List

General Physician
A General Physician does not specialize in one particular area of medicine. A general care physician provides routine care like immunizations and physical examinations and assesses and treats many different illnesses and conditions of the patient.
Psychiatry is the branch of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders.
A cardiologist is a doctor with special training and skill in finding, treating and preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
A pediatrician is a medical doctor who treats babies, children, adolescents, and young adults. Pediatricians can work as primary care physicians
n orthopaedic doctor is a doctor who specializes in treating ailments that concerns your bones, joints, ligaments, nerves and tendons. Orthopaedic doctors .
A dentist provides care for a patient’s teeth, gums, and oral health. They provide a number of services. Dentists repair fractured teeth, fill cavities, remove tooth decay, straighten teeth, and educate on proper oral hygiene.
Anaesthesiology, is a branch of medicine that allows safe usage of medical drugs to induce a reversible state of total or partial lack of responsiveness to surgical procedures
Obstetrics involves care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Gynecology deals with reproductive health and the functions and diseases specific to women and girls.
A neurosurgeon is a Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine who has completed a five or six-year residency that focuses on the surgical treatment of patients with neurological conditions.
The respiratory system takes up oxygen from the air we breathe and expels the unwanted carbon dioxide
Radiology represents a branch of medicine that deals with radiant energy in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Welcome to the Urology Department at CMC, your dedicated destination for specialized urological care. Our accomplished urologist is devoted to addressing a spectrum of urological concerns, from kidney and bladder health to prostate and reproductive issues. We are committed to optimizing your urological well-being with cutting-edge diagnostics and personalised treatment plans.

Surgical Oncology

Welcome to the Surgical Oncology Department at CMC, where compassionate care meets advanced surgical expertise. Our esteemed team is committed to providing specialized and comprehensive care for individuals facing a spectrum of cancer-related challenges. From precision surgeries for various types of cancers to personalized treatment strategies, we strive to optimize your oncological well-being through state-of-the-art diagnostics and patient-centric care.

Patient care and procedures

Patient care and CMC Hospital, Hisar has consistently led game-changing developments in healthcare facilities by bringing to the people, the latest innovations in key medical specialities and super specialities.